Your Individual Care Plan

It is important that you feel comfortable in your new home, so we take care to create a care plan that is tailored specifically for you.

Care That Suits You

It is important that you feel comfortable in your new home, so we take care to create a care plan that is tailored specifically for you. We take time to get to know you well, your personality, your likes, and dislikes. We discuss how you would like to spend your days; what you do to keep your mind engaged and if you have any hobbies etc. We talk in depth about your health concerns, so we can ensure that everything is in place to address your needs.

Once we feel we know you well, we will sit down together with you, your family if this is your wish and our carers, to devise a plan especially for you. The level of support you receive will depend upon a number of factors including your health concerns and the degree of independence you wish to maintain. This can vary from minimal residential care to specialist care covering Dementia or palliative care, for example.

When your needs or preferences change, please don’t worry! as we’ll change your individual care plan too.